Great Leaders create more leaders, not followers.
Effective 1st April 2023, We have since discontinued the FORT Assault Pack MKII.
This was a painful but yet necessary decision to make for the greater good of the community. There is so much more potential that can be brought out on this line. Ambassadors, Athletes, and so many more partnerships that we can think of.
Unfortunately, we are but a small team with limited resources and having to deal with life catching up. The selfish move would be to continue holding on to this product line all for the ego of "having the market share" but only at the loss against all that we serve and want to see succeed.
We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce Charlie Mike Athletics, a team of like minded individuals who are relentless at what they do. Same Same, But Different. They share the same resources as us, so don't be surprised to to receive goodies from us when you purchase their gear!
If you're still a die hard fan of the FORT Assault Pack MKII's design, fret not, it's currently with the Product Dev team at Charlie Mike and we're certain that they'll push this to greater heights than we could ever have!